Found a new library for ultrasonic sensors on the Arduino forums, NewPing.h. You can download it from the Arduino playground. So I wanted to try it out with my Dagu Rover 5. I modified an older sketch that used the ultrasonic.h library. It was pretty easy to change and I can confirm that the new library works. The example that comes with the library uses the millis function to trigger the “pinging”. I had a bit of trouble integrating it to my sketch so I replaced the millis code with a simple delay. Not the best solution so I will try to make a new sketch without delays in the future 🙂
The sketch is far from perfect, my Rover easily gets stuck in corners.
Here is the simple sketch:
// // Dagu Rover 5 chassis with 4 motors // Autonomous mode using an SRF06 ultrasonic sensor mounted on a 9G servo on the front // µcontroller = Dagu Red back spider, Arduino Mega 1280 compatible // Motor controller = Dagu 4 channel motor controller #include <NewPing.h> #include <Servo.h> const int DirM1 = 30; // direction motor 1 const int DirM2 = 31; // direction motor 2 const int DirM3 = 32; // direction motor 3 const int DirM4 = 33; // direction motor 4 const int PWMM1 = 4; // pwm motor 1 const int PWMM2 = 5; // pwm motor 2 const int PWMM3 = 6; // pwm motor 3 const int PWMM4 = 7; // pwm motor 4 const int TRIGGER_PIN = 36; // Arduino pin tied to trigger pin on ping sensor. const int ECHO_PIN = 37; // Arduino pin tied to echo pin on ping sensor. const int MAX_DISTANCE = 200; // Maximum distance we want to ping for (in centimeters). Maximum sensor distance is rated at 400-500cm. NewPing srf06(TRIGGER_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); // NewPing setup of pins and maximum distance. int leftDistance, rightDistance, fwdDistance; Servo SRF6AServo; // servo objects void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); pinMode(DirM1, OUTPUT); // direction motor 1, left front pinMode(DirM2, OUTPUT); // direction motor 2, left rear pinMode(DirM3, OUTPUT); // direction motor 3, right front pinMode(DirM4, OUTPUT); // direction motor 4, right rear pinMode(PWMM1, OUTPUT); // PWM motor 1 pinMode(PWMM2, OUTPUT); // PWM motor 2 pinMode(PWMM3, OUTPUT); // PWM motor 3 pinMode(PWMM4, OUTPUT); // PWM motor 4 SRF6AServo.attach(8); SRF6AServo.write(55) ; // set servo to center pois delay(150); } void loop() { fwdDistance = srf06.ping_cm(); delay(100); if (fwdDistance > 30) { forward(); } else { stop(); SRF6AServo.write(110); // move servo left delay(500); leftDistance = srf06.ping_cm(); delay(100); SRF6AServo.write(10); // move servo right delay(500); rightDistance = srf06.ping_cm(); delay(100); SRF6AServo.write(55); // move servo to center delay(50); compareDistance(); } } void compareDistance() { if (leftDistance>rightDistance) //if left is less obstructed { turnleft(); delay(800); } else if (rightDistance>leftDistance) //if right is less obstructed { turnright; delay(800); } else if (rightDistance == leftDistance) { turnleft(); delay(1500); } } void turnleft() { digitalWrite(DirM1, HIGH); digitalWrite(DirM2, HIGH); digitalWrite(DirM3, LOW); digitalWrite(DirM4, LOW); analogWrite(PWMM1, 130); analogWrite(PWMM2, 130); analogWrite(PWMM3, 130); analogWrite(PWMM4, 130); } void turnright() { digitalWrite(DirM1, LOW); digitalWrite(DirM2, LOW); digitalWrite(DirM3, HIGH); digitalWrite(DirM4, HIGH); analogWrite(PWMM1, 130); analogWrite(PWMM2, 130); analogWrite(PWMM3, 130); analogWrite(PWMM4, 130); } void forward() { digitalWrite(DirM1, LOW); digitalWrite(DirM2, LOW); digitalWrite(DirM3, LOW); digitalWrite(DirM4, LOW); analogWrite(PWMM1, 70); analogWrite(PWMM2, 70); analogWrite(PWMM3, 70); analogWrite(PWMM4, 70); } void stop() { analogWrite(PWMM1, 0); analogWrite(PWMM2, 0); analogWrite(PWMM3, 0); analogWrite(PWMM4, 0); }
You have connected only one ultrasonic sensors with 4 motors , the problem comes when you take input from two or more sensors to drive your motor.As in my case,you cannot run two milis() function in the same sketch.So, two sensors cannot give their individual distances to the microcontroller.
Have you checked out the example sketches that come with the newping library? There is an example sketch with 12 sensors… I use 2 ultrasonic sensors on my hexapod, works without problem.
I am just learning to use Arduino. And I need to run a search with arduino robot using 2 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. Can you help?
Best regards,
Take a look at this: