By Bajdi on August 15, 2015
Some time ago I wanted to buy a mearm from Phenoptix in the UK, unfortunately or maybe lucky for me it was out of stock. A little while later I bought a Prusa I3 3D printer. While browsing Thingiverse I stumbled on the mearm. Someone had converted the original mearm files to stl files so […]
Posted in 3D printing, Arduino | Tagged 28BYJ-48, robot |
By Bajdi on November 1, 2014
The Maxim MAX7219 IC is a serially interfaced 8 digit LED display driver. So it’s the ideal chip to drive an 8×8 led matrix. I got interested in these chips when I saw that lots of Chinese electronics shops were selling small MAX7219 led matrix modules. The weird thing is that the MAX7219 IC is […]
Posted in Arduino, Buying parts |
By Bajdi on April 14, 2014
I’ve designed another PCB 🙂 This time it’s a simple undershield for the Arduino pro mini. I received the PCB’s from Electrodragon (12$ for 10PCB’s) last week. The PCB has a Schottky diode and a 5V linear regulator, I’m using an LM2940 5V regulator. For the rest there are just 2 rows of female headers […]
Posted in Arduino | Tagged Bajduino |