By Bajdi on June 18, 2012
Found a new library for ultrasonic sensors on the Arduino forums, NewPing.h. You can download it from the Arduino playground. So I wanted to try it out with my Dagu Rover 5. I modified an older sketch that used the ultrasonic.h library. It was pretty easy to change and I can confirm that the new […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged robot, ultrasonic |
By Bajdi on April 10, 2012
Dagu Rover 5 in autonomous mode from Bajdi on Vimeo. Since my Rover 5 has 4 encoders I wanted to do something with these encoders. There is an encoder library for Arduino which makes it very easy to read the encoders. I first tried the example sketches that come with the library to check if […]
Posted in Dagu Rover 5 | Tagged robot, ultrasonic |
By Bajdi on March 9, 2012
Rover 5 in autonomous mode from Bajdi on Vimeo. After writing a sketch to remote control the Rover 5 it was time to try and write a sketch to let it drive around the house autonomously. To keep things simple I used only one ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection. My SRF06 ultrasonic module is mounted […]
Posted in Arduino sketches, Dagu Rover 5 | Tagged robot, ultrasonic |