By Bajdi on January 25, 2014
DFrobot sent me their latest robot kit, the insectbot kit. It’s a small 2 servo robot that’s easy to built and program. The kit is ideal for people who want to built their first robot. It comes with an Arduino compatible micro controller. The insectbot kit is sold for less then 30$, so it doesn’t […]
Posted in Insectbot | Tagged robot |
By Bajdi on January 19, 2014
When I saw the offer on to buy a new robot kit from Dagu at a special price I didn’t hesitate… Dagu’s new robot kit is the “service droid”. It’s a kit that can be mounted on the popular Rover 5 platform. The service droid is made from hundreds of laser cut acrylic parts. […]
Posted in Dagu service droid | Tagged nRF24L01, robot |
By Bajdi on December 14, 2013
I’ve been rewriting the remote control code for my Dagu Rover 5. I wanted to integrate my encoder code in to my remote control sketch. In my old code I would directly scale the joystick values to a pwm value. Now I scale the joystick values to the time between encoder pulses. This is the […]
Posted in Arduino sketches, Dagu Rover 5 | Tagged nRF24L01, robot |