By Bajdi on March 12, 2013
Was snowed in today so I got to play with my hexapod all day 🙂 I’ve changed the way I move the servos. The code now moves the servos in little steps. Makes the hexapod walk a lot smoother. I’ve added a second micro controller, an ATmega328 with a wireless nRF24L01 module. I have quite […]
Posted in Bajdupod 996R | Tagged hexapod, nRF24L01, robot |
By Bajdi on December 17, 2012
Beginning of this year I bought my first nRF24L01 wireless modules. I did not have a clue back then how they worked and if I was going to get them to work with Arduino. I had found a couple of libraries for the modules so I thought of giving it a try. I spent hours […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged nRF24L01 |
By Bajdi on October 16, 2012
I have spent a lot of time on my little hexapod the last couple of days. I have finished writing the code for the basic walking gaits, forward/backward/left and right. This is the walking gait I have come up with: FORWARD walking gait knee up 1,3,5 knee down 2,4,6 hip forward 1,3,5 hip backward 2,4,6 […]
Posted in Bajdupod 9G | Tagged hexapod, nRF24L01, robot, servo |