By Bajdi on December 1, 2013
Chris from Rocket Brand Studios sent me 4 wheels that fit the little 28BYJ-48 stepper motors a couple of months ago. I only had 2 steppers so I ordered 2 more motors and control boards on Ebay. Cost me less then 2€ a piece, and that’s for the stepper motor and control board. I wanted […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged 28BYJ-48, 74HC595, robot |
By Bajdi on April 13, 2013
I needed to take a break from working on my hexapod. So I decided to go back to basics, blinking leds 😀 The first Arduino sketch most people try out must be the blink example sketch. It blinks one led, and uses only one pin. If you want to blink lots of leds you might […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged 74HC595 |