By Bajdi on June 1, 2013
One of the first things I tried when I started playing with Arduino was running a stepper motor. As I had bought 2 small 28BYJ-48 stepper motors with my first Arduino. Since I knew very little about programming I just used the Arduino stepper library. The library works but it’s not that usefull, it is […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged 28BYJ-48 |
By Bajdi on February 6, 2012
Arduino: wireless contol of 2 stepper motors from Bajdi on Vimeo. A month ago I wrote a sketch to control 2 little stepper motors with an analog joystick. After getting the Nrf24L01 modules to work last week I wanted to connect the joystick to one Arduino and the stepper motors to another Arduino. It was […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged 28BYJ-48, nRF24L01 |
By Bajdi on January 6, 2012
Since I have 2 little stepper motors and a joystick I thought it would be nice to see if I could write a sketch that would let me control them with the joystick. I first connected the little stepper motors and ran an example sketch I found here to see if they were working. To […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged 28BYJ-48 |