6 responses to “Fun sensor: the WiiCamera”

  1. liudr

    I was just looking for some info about this exact Wii IR camera kit and came across your blog. Thanks for the info. I guess the kit is pretty easy to use on an Arduino. I’ll probably get a kit soon.

  2. bach nguyen duy xuan

    I would like to buy 5 module full sensor the wii camera.
    Do you have available?
    If you have, please give me condition to buy it!


  3. Tobias

    Is there a possibility to buy such a sensor for an arduino now? I cannot seem to find one on the internet, help would be much appreciated. 🙂

  4. clive castle

    Is there any chance to get this board any more ,I am very keen to purchase ,If possible please contact me ,If there is circuit diagram then my soldering is fine ,
    But very happy to pay

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