Finally I received all the parts to make a small pcb to distribute the power for my Rover 5. I soldered some terminal blocks on it so I could connect my 2 cell 7,4V Lipo battery. The Dagu red back spider robot controller and the motors get their power direct from the Lipo battery. I needed 2 voltage regulators, one LM7805 that provides 5V for the logic of the motor controller and a LM1117 that gives 3,3V to the Nrf24L01 module. I put a green led on the pcb that lights up when the power is connected. I also added a voltage divider made up of 2 10K resistors, I’ll connect it to an analog input to monitor the battery voltage. So I can shut it down when the battery goes below a certain level. I used the code that I posted in my previous post. The Rover 5 goes very well, with the 4 motors it has lots of power 🙂 See it spinning around in the video…
Dagu Rover 5 from Bajdi on Vimeo.