By Bajdi on September 30, 2012
I have been playing with my self built Arduino’s the last weeks. One of my designs is a small (5x5cm) board with an ATmega328P-PU and a header for a nRF24L01 wireless module. I named it the Bajduino 328RF24 🙂 Since the nRF24L01 modules work at 3,3V I decided to let the ATmega run @ 3,3V. […]
Posted in Arduino | Tagged I2C |
By Bajdi on September 2, 2012
Some time ago I bought a cheap 9DOF board on Ebay. The board has 3 sensors, an ADXL345 accelerometer, HMC5883L magnetometer and an ITG3200 gyroscope. All 3 sensors are of the digital kind and use the I2C bus to communicate. These sensors need a voltage of 3,3V to work, luckily the board has an onboard […]
Posted in Dagu Rover 5 | Tagged ADXL345, HMC5883L, I2C, robot |
By Bajdi on September 1, 2012
I now have a big collection of various Arduinos so I wanted to try and let them communicate with each other. There are several options to let 2 Arduinos communicate with each other. All Arduinos have serial, I2C and SPI busses which can be used for communication. The easiest way to get them to communicate […]
Posted in Arduino sketches | Tagged I2C |